Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Beginner's Doily Pattern? Really?

I must say, I haven't made a whole lot of doilies, but this one is something else:

I mean, it's beautiful and all. REALLY. I suspect I will make it again. :)

But the name is: Easy Pineapple Doily

And then further on it says: "Beginners can learn the basics...."


To me, it's NOT a beginner doily. Case in point; it's the VERY FIRST DOILY I ever tried to make. Ever.

I started it 4 yrs ago and got discouraged.

Those petals are added on ONE AT A TIME. Really.

Leaving the "beginner" crochetter to start, stop, start, stop, and with about 18 ends to weave in. O.o

That's just so wrong, IMPO. I stuffed it in the core of the thread spool and gave up for 4yrs.

Then I decided I would "finish" it, except ... the hook called for is a "Number 5". I don't have a 5? Nor do I crochet this loosely after more experience.

So, I saved this little momento and started over:

And this is where I am today. 5 "bumps" - I mean, petals in .... and I hardly think it's a beginner pattern!

My second attempt is going to be made with a No. 2 - or 1.50mm hook. Size 10 thread, and is going to be in the region of about 8" across.

It's very pretty. I even like the pattern; but looking back I'm not suprised I gave up. It's not a starter pattern. A true beginner pattern, IMPO, would go around and around and around - and stop. LOL

To me, this is a beginner doily; or at least easier than this "easy" pineapple.
Or this, with the symbol chart (I find those easier to read, personally):
Here is a tiny one, like a coaster!
Or even these, I'd like to make some of these:

After I finish up this doily I plan to try a different pineapple pattern, which I'll link to if it is as easy as I think it will be. I suspect this "easy pineapple" should be considered more of an intermediate level doily. ;)


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